Family: Good Things to Come5 Reasons Why Marriage Matters
Is marriage really that important? Elizabeth uses social science to show why marriage really does matter in the world today.
3 Ways to Help Your Kids Give This Christmas
Want to help your kids learn about the importance of giving this Christmas season? Elizabeth shares a few ideas that might help.
Dealing with Disclosure: Handling Pornography in Your Marriage
Pornography addiction doesn’t just affect the person struggling with it; it can also have a big impact on a spouse! Guest blogger Katherine Wahlen provides some suggestions to help people coping with a spouse’s pornography addiction.
Video: Dr. Tim in DC – Dads Matter!
Want to know what dads can contribute to a family and to society? Dr. Tim talks about what the research says on why dads matter.
Me Too: Why Sexual Freedom Isn’t Free
Too many people have to say “Me too” about sexual assault. Has our push for sexual freedom backfired? Elizabeth explains how it might have.
A Quick 2 Question Quiz: How Healthy Is Your Marriage?
Want to know how your marriage is doing? Take this quick 2 questions quiz to find out!
A Message to Imperfect Parents
Ever feel like you just can’t measure up as a parent? You’re not alone! Parenting is hard, even for the experts. Dr. Rob shares words of encouragement for when the going gets rough.
4 Communication Patterns That Can Ruin Your Marriage
Are you inadvertently damaging your marriage by the way you communicate? Family Good Things content manager Elizabeth shares some common but harmful communication patterns and how to overcome them.
Three Keys to a Fantastic Marriage
Be honest: how many movies have you seen where the culminating event, the anticipated conclusion, or the “happy ending” was a wedding? Why is that? What is it deep within us that yearns not just for marriage, but for a tremendously happy marriage? While we may believe...
Scrolling Our Way to Addiction
Ever feel like you just *have* to check your phone, Facebook, or your favorite YouTube channel? Guest blogger Paige Gibbs writes about how technology addiction affects family life and what we can do to solve the problem.
Did You Really Turn Out OK?
It can be easy to justify our parenting by saying, “Well my parents did that, and I turned out okay!” Dr. Tim warns how dangerous that mentality can be.
Do We Really Need Dads?
Sometimes media and society seem to say that dads don’t really matter. This Father’s Day, learn what social science has to say about why we need dads!
Video: Change Your Heart, Not Your Kids
Have you ever been frustrated with your children when they don't help or clean up after themselves? Are you tired of nagging them to pick up their mess? You're not alone! Dr. Tim teaches that how parents see their children matters more in these situations than how the...
A Video Explanation: Can I Punish Character Into My Child?
Ever wonder how punishment affects your child? Dr. Tim talks about some of the misconceptions we have about punishment in his brief video below. For more on punishment, check out Dr. Tim's full length article, "Can I Punish Character into My Child?" Video Transcript...
How the Sexual Mismatch Can Help Your Marriage
Generally speaking, husbands want to have sex more frequently than their wives. This probably doesn’t surprise you. But, you may be surprised to learn that this mismatch can actually strengthen your marriage. But first… Pop Quiz for You Wives: Ladies, be honest, do...
Story of My Life: Connecting the Generations
No, this is not an article about your favorite band, One Direction. Sorry to disappoint. 🙂 But keep reading, and you’ll see why the title is quite appropriate. Who Do You Know? How much do you know about your parents? Your grandparents? I know you probably grew up...
Why Play with Your Kids? It Might Make All the Difference!
Ever struggled to focus while playing with your kids? Dr. Tim talks about why we should play — and really play — with our kids. Read more to find out how!
Valentine’s Vows: Recommit to Your Marriage Today!
This Valentine’s Day, are you still feeling the spark you first felt when you fell for your sweetheart? If not, recommit to your marriage today! Dr. Rob tells you how.