Check out some recent posts!
How Intentional Parenting Can Strengthen Your Marriage
Between orchestra concerts, soccer and baseball games, and end of school year activities, we were constantly on the go during the month of May. Is the month of May like that for any of the rest of you? While we love our children and want to support them, months like...
Can I Bribe My Child into Being a Good Person?
In a previous article, “Parenting isn’t Rocket Science…it’s Harder!”, I suggested that too many of us parents ask the wrong question: “How can I get my child to do or stop doing ______________ (fill in the blank)?” If we start with this question then we'll likely get...
The Magic of the 6 Second Kiss!
The Verdict When you were first married, you kissed your spouse more often (and longer) than you do now. Your Sentence Read this brief article and be willing to do the homework (best homework ever). Warning #1 If you haven't yet been married for a year, this article...